Episode 64: How to Keep Your Scenes On Target

Show Notes for Episode 64: How to Keep Your Scenes On Target

How to Write: How do I keep my scenes cohesive and get to the point?  How do I not lose sight of what the scene is supposed to be?

Today I (host, Rebecca Galardo) discuss writing scenes with Author and Teacher Holly Lisle.  What is getting in late and leaving earlywhen it comes to scenes?  How do you know what to cut and what to leave in?  How to you even know what is integral to a scene and what to write in the first place?  What are the elements that are absolutely necessary in a scene?

Holly’s got the answers to these and more!

So grab a cup of coffee or tea and join us in this week’s episode and if you have a question for us join us in the forums at HollysWritingClasses.com and get to typing!

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