Episode 55: Answering Your Questions: Volume Two

Show Notes for Episode 55: Answering Your Questions: Volume Two

Holly and I (host Rebecca) dive back into the many pages of questions that we’ve gotten (and continue to get) from our listeners while preparing another two parter on a different topic.

Today we look at choosing a specific POV and issues with limitations as well as how to describe creatures to readers without exposition or lengthy bits of wordage.  These two questions were a lot of fun for us both to answer.

So join us in this week’s episode and if you have a question for us join us in the forums at HollysWritingClasses.com and get to typing!

After the episode: Have something to say? A question to ask? Jump into the FREE forums at HollysWritingClasses.com (no purchase or ownership of courses necessary) and share with us.

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Mentioned in the Podcast


Credits: Producer – Rebecca Galardo.  Sponsor – Holly’sWritingClasses.com.  Intro written by Holly Lisle and performed by Mark Hermann. Our podcast is 100% free and sponsored only by Holly’s Writing Classes.

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