Episode 82:  Should I Quit Writing This Thing?

Show Notes for Episode 82:  Should I Quit Writing This Thing?

How to Know if You’re Struggling for Good Reason or If Your Book is Killing Your Joy.

It’s not always a flaw in your character or a lack of self-disipline – sometimes it’s just the story.  So then the question becomes: How Can You Tell the Difference?

Author and Teacher Holly Lisle and I (host, Rebecca Galardo) explain the method of looking deep into both yourself and your writing to find the cause of your struggles.  With real life examples we’ll show you the difference between the thing we all eventually come to know as truth – WRITING is actually HARD – and the thing many of us might face more than once in our lives – Writing THIS THING is WRONG for me.

Join us in this week’s episode and if you have a question for us join us in the forums at HollysWritingClasses.com and get to typing!

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