Episode 77: How to Expand Your Story Idea: Flash, Short Story and Novel Examples

Show Notes for Episode 77: How to Expand Your Story Idea: Flash, Short Story and Novel Examples

How to Write Fiction: How to Build onto Existing Stories and Ideas with examples!

Do you have an idea you love, but it’s not really long enough for the word count you or a publisher wants?  Or did you start writing a novel to find you’ve only got the meat for a short story?

Join Author and Teacher Holly Lisle and myself (host, Rebecca Galardo) as we both build from a single prompt.  Holly creates live while I built mine  the night before the recording the episode.  Holly creates three different ideas (a flash fiction storyline, a short fiction story line and what could be a novel or series storyline) while I take the same idea from the one prompt and add bits and pieces to it to create all three length storylines required.

Added request: If possible, come up with your own work and share with us in the forums.  We love to see what you guys come up with.

Also… because Holly said to put it in the blog, lol: my revision notes are on top, the book itself is the bottom binder. Remember this is ALL DUE TO A BIG WORLD and one 17ish years in the making.  Your revision results may vary LOL!


Join us in this week’s episode and if you have a question for us join us in the forums at HollysWritingClasses.com and get to typing!

After the episode: Have something to say? A question to ask? Jump into the FREE forums at HollysWritingClasses.com (no purchase or ownership of courses necessary) and share with us.

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