Episode 108: How Fiction Writers Can Use Poetry for – not in – Their Fiction

Show Notes for Episode 108: How Fiction Writers Can Use Poetry for – not in – Their Fiction

Poetry has many uses!

Poetry can be difficult – to write, to understand and to share with others. However it can also be so very useful to those who do not even publish the poems they’ve written!

In this episode Author and Fiction Teacher Holly Lisle and I (host, Rebecca Galardo) discuss how you can reap major benefits from writing in poetic prose without sharing word one!  So tune in as Holly shares her tips, tricks and poems and we talk a little about how you can become a better writer in any genre while working on poetry.

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Credits: Producer – Rebecca Galardo.  Sponsor – Holly’sWritingClasses.com.  Intro written by Holly Lisle and performed by Mark Hermann. Our podcast is 100% free and sponsored only by Holly’s Writing Classes.  AIARWIP THEME by Truth. Image by Pexels from Pixabay

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