Show Notes for Episode 08: Why Write Flash Fiction?
Alone in a Room with Invisible People is a podcast focusing on topics related to writing, revising and publishing fiction.
In this episode, host Rebecca Galardo discusses the topic of Flash Fiction and WHY to write it with Author and Teacher Holly Lisle. They cover the surprising and, at times, overwhelming benefits of writing flash fiction (an often overlooked and disregarded type of story) and the reasons why EVERY writer should try it out – even YOU.
They take a look at the following:
- What Flash Fiction is and is not – and what is included in GOOD flash fiction
- What benefits come from writing Flash Fiction
- How it helps you become a better writer faster than normal fiction
- How it effects ALL of your writing
- How it helps you overcome fear
- Why every writer should try flash fiction
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Mentioned in the Podcast
- Will Smith’s Speech on Skydiving and Fear
- Holly’s Sonnets: To an Android Lover and Pensive Ruminations on Impermanence in a Technophilic World
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Credits: Producer – Rebecca Galardo. Sponsor – Holly’ Intro written by Holly Lisle and performed by Mark Hermann. Our podcast is 100% free and sponsored only by Holly’s Writing Classes.
What a great episode! I love flash fiction too for all the reasons you describe. And I did find the flash fiction course to be the perfect intro to Holly’s teaching. (It was why I bought How To Think Sideways.)
One submission question: First, when you say Halloween related, what do you mean exactly? Does a story about monsters (say zombies) count even if it doesn’t mention Halloween?
I want to thank you for the flash fiction course. My sister recently was trying for a $10,000 scholarship that had a 500 word essay requirement. She did a great job of telling the story that the essay needed, but she came in at almost 1500 words. I took it and used the concepts I learned from the flash fiction class and we got it to exactly 500 words. We found out yesterday that she won the scholarship.
Please send my congratulations. That’s wonderful!
This. Is. Amazing.
You’re a good sister for helping and tell her congrats! That’s so wonderful!