Episode 37: Writing to Market VS Selling Out

From Rebecca: I believe this is a ‘must listen to’ episode if you are aspiring to write for a living.  There are always exceptions to every rule – but the exceptions are few and far between.  

In this episode we cover the difference between ‘Writing to Market’ and ‘Selling Out’ – and how it can vastly affect your writing career.

Holly reveals a mistake that she has been committing the entire 30+ years she has been writing professionally and has only just found – one that she believes is the answer to why the majority of her work has never sold as well as expected.  She’s about to make a big change to her future works and she wants to share this with our listeners in order to reach those with similar goals who might also be making this mistake.

If you’re looking at dismal sales or piling up rejection slips no matter what you’ve tried, it could be as simple as what she has found.  Could be.  Maybe not.

As always, this podcast is 100% free.  This episode is not an attempt to sell you a system, an ebook, a course, a counseling session, etc.  There is no silver bullet, no guarantee – ever – and anyone promising those things is a salesman looking for a buck.

Rising tides lift all boats and if you’re committing the same writing mistake as Holly, she wants to help.

After the episode: Have something to say?  A question to ask? Jump into the FREE forums at HollysWritingClasses.com (no purchase or ownership of courses necessary) and share with us.

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Credits: Producer – Rebecca Galardo.  Sponsor – Holly’sWritingClasses.com.  Intro written by Holly Lisle and performed by Mark Hermann. Our podcast is 100% free and sponsored only by Holly’s Writing Classes.

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