Episode 90: From The Archives: Holly Lisle on Fiction – Part Two

Show Notes for Episode 90 – From The Archives: Holly Lisle on Fiction – Part Two

Technical difficulties have left us in a bit of a lurch, but we’re not leaving you without content.  In today’s episode we are republishing more of the much-requested Holly Lisle On Writing – the episodes 4 and 5 from Holly’s original 2006 podcast.

In this blast from the past Holly answers questions from listeners and readers covering collaborations, world building, languages, themes and more.  We’ll have updated links on anything possible in the show notes at AloneWithInvisiblePeople.com

The regular podcast will return next week (3-17-20).

After the episode: Have something to say? A question to ask? Jump into the FREE forums at HollysWritingClasses.com (no purchase or ownership of courses necessary) and share with us.

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Join us in this week’s episode and if you have a question for us join us in the forums at HollysWritingClasses.com and get to typing!

After the episode: Have something to say? A question to ask? Jump into the FREE forums at HollysWritingClasses.com (no purchase or ownership of courses necessary) and share with us.

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